Freitag, 26. September 2008


TEAM LIST:HOLDEN is very happy to be represented by:

Louie Fountain -- Idaho, NW (MDP, "Down with People")

Darrel Mathes -- Portland, Utah (MDP, "Double Decade")

Laura Hadar --Utah, Colorado

Eric Messier -- Tahoe (T9)

Gus Engle -- Alaska, NW (Think Thank, "Stack Footy") Miami -- Utah (T9)

Matty Ryan -- East Coast, Utah, Cali (Bozewreck, "2", Absynthe¹s,"Ready²)

Desiree Melancon -- CA, UT.

Mikey LeBlanc -- East Coast, Utah, Portland

Sara Phillips (aka. SAZ) -- Portland, OR (Team Thunder video)

Brendan Hayes -- Ohio, Tahoe (Autumnline's "Technicolor")

Andy Wright -- Photographer (TWS, the most published photog in the game)

Scotty Wittlake -- Portland (bike nerd)

Anthony Boronowski- BC, Canada (Skier) makes his own video

LNP-- Quebec (ROME video) cover of the new SNOWBOARDER

Greg Dejardins, Quebec (Rome Video)

Cale Zima, SLC (Absinthe's, ³Ready² (Justin Hoystnek)

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